Wills & Probate
Compassionate Wills and Probate Lawyer in the Clearwater Area
Helping you safeguard your legacy
Although many people think that wills and other estate planning documents are only for wealthy individuals, that’s not the case at all. Everyone can benefit from setting up a will. Our attorney at the Law Offices of Thomas G. Tripp in Pinellas Park, Florida has 20 years of experience in estate planning law and providing personalized service and compassionate guidance to clients throughout our community. We make this process as simple and easy as possible, so that you can establish a will that truly gives you peace of mind.
Establishing a will
A will is an effective tool that helps ensure that all of your property is distributed exactly as you desire after your passing. It makes the estate administration process significantly easier on your loved ones. If you die with no will, it is considered intestate, which means that the state will then appoint an estate administrator on your behalf — and that person will distribute your property in accordance with Florida laws. These laws may or may not align with your own desires.
Most wills include plans for property distribution, provisions for what happens to underage children, and a named executor of the estate, who is in charge of managing everything related to your estate after your passing. A few examples of the various types of wills include:
- A simple will, names an executor or personal representative that is the person that you pick to handle your affairs after your passing. A will also has provisions for payments of your debts upon death and of course making bequests, girts or devises of your home, personal property and other assets.
- A will can also create trusts within it – such as called testamentary trusts, which could provide for more extended care of say minor children or individuals with special needs – called a special needs trusts which would allow someone receiving Medicaid and or other government benefits to gain some benefit from your assets yet still continue to receive government benefits they are already entitled to.
The probate process in Florida
In some cases, you might be able to avoid the probate process altogether. Some assets are exempt from probate and some types of trusts are not subject to probate laws. However, when standard probate is necessary, it is important to have an attorney to help you through the probate administration process, particularly if probate litigation becomes necessary. In probate, a court analyzes the validity of a will and then gives its approval by granting probate to the estate executor. The will, which is then referred to as a probated will, becomes a legally binding document that the executor can enforce when needed.
In some cases, a will may be contested during the probate process. This is when it becomes particularly important to have an attorney who is well-versed in probate law and some of the common issues associated with it.
Meet with an experienced St. Petersburg-area wills and probate lawyer
At the Law Offices of Thomas G. Tripp, you work directly with an attorney who truly cares about the well-being of you and your loved ones — both now and in the years ahead. We offer a free initial consultation, and our office is conveniently located in Pinellas Park, Florida. Give us a call at 727.544.8819 or contact us online to get started with your will or probate process.
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