Clearwater Estate Planning Lawyer Offers Personalized Services

Experienced guidance for individuals and families looking to get their financial affairs in order

Everyone needs to have an estate plan in place. Whether you are young and recently married or already retired, it is important to establish an estate plan while you are of sound mind and body. At The Law Office of Thomas G. Tripp, I will provide you with a private consultation to review your assets, family relationships and desires. Based on your goals and desires, we will create an appropriate plan tailored to your needs.

Learn more about estate planning in Florida:

  • Wills: I recommend that everyone have a will to direct the final distribution of any assets held at the time of death.
  • Trusts: As your lawyer, I will take the time to review your assets and needs, and help you determine whether a trust is a viable option for your estate planning goals.
  • Durable powers of attorney: Everyone should carefully consider appointing someone to act as agent under a durable power of attorney and a designation of heath care surrogate.
  • Living wills and advance directives: A living will is a written statement regarding the level of treatment, if any, you would desire in the event that you are suffering from a terminal illness or injury.
  • Guardianships: I represent family members who seek to establish guardianships over the person and property of incapacitated persons.

Free Lawyer Consultation with a skilled Clearwater Estate Planning Lawyer.

For more information, contact me, St. Petersburg estate planning attorney Thomas G. Tripp. Call 727-544-8819 to schedule a free consultation.